Four Winds Passport Loyalty Program

The Four Winds Passport Loyalty Program is designed to take you on a weekly culinary and cultural journey. Get your Passport stamped each week and earn rewards while experiencing new flavors and new sensations from a new destination. The program allows our guests to accumulate points in return for every dollar spent and even more exciting, they can earn entry slips for a Trip Giveaway for two to Europe!

For every dollar spent the Passport Members will receive 10 points, which can be redeemed for valuable discounts, prizes, and gift baskets depending on the level of points achieved, or the points can be redeemed for multiple (up to 52) entries in the European Trip Sweepstakes provided by the Love Travel Collection.

Join the Passport Loyalty Program below or at the market. Your points will be recorded with each purchase and updates will be provided online.

We are excited to travel to the four corners of the earth and ride the Four Winds to exciting new destinations, most of all, we are excited to have you come along with us!